About Our Department

The Classics community at Colorado College is small and close knit. Majors and minors work closely with faculty and one another to develop their intellectual interests in a highly personalized manner. We are proud to attract a diverse range of students and affirm our commitment to the college's principles of equity and inclusion.

In addition to offering the Classics major, we maintain interdisciplinary majors in Classics-History-Politics and Classics-English. We collaborate with programs such as Comparative Literature, Environmental Studies, Feminist and Gender Studies, and Race, Ethnicity and Migration Studies. Many of our students choose to double major in the humanities (e.g. Art, Philosophy, and Religion) or in one of the natural sciences (e.g. Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Organismal Biology, Neuroscience, Physics).

For information about our faculty, staff, students and alumnae/i, please look under the "people" tab.

 Classics faculty fall 2024. Back: Sanjaya Thakur (L), Richard Fernando Buxton (R) Front: Marcia Dobson (L), Owen Cramer (R)
The Classics faculty, fall 2024. Back: Sanjaya Thakur (L), Richard Fernando Buxton (R). Front: Marcia Dobson (L), Owen Cramer (R).
Report an issue - Last updated: 03/14/2025